This summer in the heat of the day, don't forget to chill your white and rose wines, as well as perhaps your reds! Serving wine at the correct temperature is very important in order to get the best out of the wine. Different types of wine have different serving temperatures. White wines should be served chilled, too cold and their aromas and flavours are hidden, too warm and they lose their structure. Reds on the other hand should mainly be served at room temperature, too cold and their aromas and flavours are masked and too warm, they will taste too alcoholic.
Our guide below highlights the perfect serving temperatures for your wine.

A few points to remember…
• Room temperature is classed at around 15-18oC however, air-conditioning and heating can affect your room temperature causing the wine to be too hot or too cold, take this into consideration if you are serving red wine.
• DO NOT heat wine up on a radiator if it's too cold, intense heating can damage the wine.
• Likewise, intense chilling can damage wine too so avoid sticking that bottle of white in the freezer for a quick chill down. Try an ice bucket filled with ice and water and fully submerge the bottle for maximum cooling potential.