
The famous historical wine region of Jerez located between the Southern Spanish cities of Seville and Cadiz is one of the wine world's enduring and unique locations. This far south, growing grapes for quality wine is almost impossible due to the relentless baking heat and non-existent rainfall, but the Sherry producers of Jerez have managed to sustain an industry of their unique, often magnificent wines for centuries. Unfortunately for many wine drinkers, their perception of Sherry as a sweet, unexciting drink reserved for the elderly has prevented them from exploring other Sherry wines. Fortunately, a modern renaissance for bone dry, saline Fino, Manzanilla and Amontillado Sherry is well underway. Made from the Palomino Fino grape, the drier styles of Sherry can be bursting with toasted almond and citrus flavours, all underpinned by a generous yeasty character that typifies classic Sherry. At the other end of the scale, the almost-black, treacly sweet Sherries made from dried Pedro Ximinez grapes make knockout dessert wines.